Self-Promotion as a Way of Life
Foreign Correspondents Club of Thailand. Bangkok. January 24, 2013. If Vikrom Kromadit is as good at making money as he is at promoting himself, then he should be one of the richest men around. In fact, according to Forbes in 2007, Vikrom was the 27th richest man in Thailand. Since then, he was retired from the day-to-day management of his industrial estates development company to devote himself to promoting himself through writing, traveling and being a TV and media personality. The advertised purpose of his appearance at the FCCT was to talk about a more than 6 months journey he took in 2012 through Cambodia, Vietnam, China, Laos and Myanmar, to meet people and gain insight into the region. While he talked a lot about the details of his journey, he never talked about anything he learned or insights gained. Basically, it was an evening by Vikrom Kromadit on Vikrom Kromadit.